Alas work has gotten the best of me and i have not been able to sit and pen my thoughts. And with all things, one has to prioritise. So i am back. With a vengeance? maybe not, but at least i am making time to write.
My old mates from KPP days organized a get together last month. Consisted of dorm mates from 51C, also known as Darul Jimbet (don't ask). It was great to catch up with all the old friends, most of which i have not met for quite some time. It is also good to know that some things will never change. Practically all are now professionals in some vertical or another. One even published 3 books. I am envious for that is one goal i have had for a long time. To say i have writers block is not quite true for i have not even begun to write. Why haven't i? I'm really not sure. Perhaps with time spent at work, the hours i have at home are more valuable than petrol, personally.
But i digress. Friends are like diamonds. Though external forces will try to shape it, on the inside nothing much changes. Thank God. Friends are also like a time portal. Not meeting many for a long time gives one a peak into the past; when times were less complicated. I do often wish for complications to not play a part in life but then again, life would be boring without it.
What else is new? nothing much. Our political landscape is about as predictable as episodes of Heroes. Maybe behind a desk in a deep dark basement of Putrajaya, a script writer sits by a candlelight pondering the next twisted plot....influenced by past episodes of General Hospital. But then again, politicians and government in most countries are not that different after all. Though personally, i would pay a large sum of money to get inside their heads. Hell, what am i saying, i would pay money to get into the head of Munirah Bahari. What in God's great earth would possess a person to say that girls' school uniforms are too sexy? Will wonders never cease. Could this be another ploy to divert the public's attention from the current political turmoil? Funny how there always seems to be some mind boggling statement coinciding with interesting political times. Perhaps Munirah wants us to adopt the ways of the Pashtun where women are encouraged to stay home, toiling in the kitchen and managing the corporation known as home sweet home.
Whatever the reasons, i strongly believe one should think carefully of the implications before making such statements. One i believe is pointless, short sighted and leads people to wonder about her ability to lead such a group.
I end this ranting with this "Syurga di bawah tapak kaki ibu".
I take my leave